Forex Broker

Global Prime

Global Prime, founded in 2010, initially serviced institutional appetite for MT4 Forex trading. In 2011, it opened its doors to retail clients and has grown to service...


Global Prime is a top-rated broker that offers a wide range of products with low trading costs and no minimum account size. It was founded in 2010 to service a growing institutional appetite for MT4 Forex trading. In 2011, they opened their doors to retail clients and have grown to service thousands of clients around the world. They aim to democratize access to the world’s financial markets. They are regulated by ASIC and VFSC and conduct regular independent external audits of their financial and compliance arrangements. All client money is managed in accordance with client money laws and kept separate from company funds. They offer 24/7 customer support and have low latency servers within the NY4 datacentre that execute trades with fast execution speeds from as low as 10ms.

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