Forex Affiliate Program

ActivTrades Affiliate Program

The ActivTrades Affiliate Program, also known as ActivAffiliates, is a program that allows individuals or businesses to earn commissions by referring clients to ActivT...

  • Who can join: The program is open to owners of traffic generating sources (like websites, forums, social network groups, YouTube channels, mobile apps), providers of trading-related services (like trading education, coaching, webinars, market analysis), and web-traffic buying specialists.
  • Rewards: Affiliates can earn up to $1,350 CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) per affiliate. The rewards are given for the traffic sent to ActivAffiliates.
  • Payment: Commissions are paid regularly and there are multiple payment methods available for affiliate commissions.
  • Additional Bonuses: ActivTrades offers additional performance bonuses for affiliates who send more than 10 qualified clients per month.
  • Promotional Materials: Affiliates are allowed to use their own promotional materials for promotion.


