Forex Copytrade

eToro CopyTrade

eToro’s CopyTrader is a unique feature that allows you to automatically copy the investments of any user on the platform.

  1. How it works: You can browse through thousands of investors, looking at their performance, strategy, risk level, and portfolio composition. Based on all of that, you decide if one is right for you. To start copying an investor, the minimum amount required is $200.
  2. CopyTrader System: The CopyTrader system is designed to be simple and intuitive. You just find the investor you wish to copy through the Copy Discover page. There, you can search for the kind of investor you’re looking for. Once you’ve selected an investor, hit the COPY button and choose how much to allocate. Going forward, you’ll be mirroring their positions automatically in real time and in proportion to the amount invested. You can start or stop copying a user at any time.
  3. Benefits: The traders you copy get paid directly as part of eToro’s Popular Investor Program. This system allows you to invest like eToro’s top investors: simply choose an investor to copy, and when they trade, so do you. It’s user-friendly and allows you to start/stop copying and add/remove funds at any time. Copied trades are replicated to your portfolio in real time. You can buy the assets they buy for themselves and there are no additional charges for using the CopyTrader feature.
  4. Community: eToro’s collaborative community of millions of users makes their platform truly unique in the world of online trading. You can chat with them, discuss strategies and benefit from their knowledge.


